ME Node

Marposs has designed measurement Nodes for 2 and 4 LVDT transducers and 2 HBT transducers that can be connected using quick-release connectors together with the same number of single probes (Unimar, FENAR L, Nanounimar, etc).
Each Measurement Node is manufactured in stainless steel and may be installed directly in the working area (WET area), at a short distance (typically 3 m) from the single transducers.
The Nodes convert the analogue signals from the individual transducers to digital signals. In this way it is possible to transfer the values to the system Master via the MMSB (MarpossMeasure System Bus) in digital format, thus avoiding the Signal to Noise ratio quality issues that affect analogue signals, and which are the result of the length of traditional cables.
The Measurement Nodes can be connected together using the dedicated accessories or, depending on the topology of the network managed by the MMSB, by using the special cables, which have been designed, together with their connectors, to withstand the typical conditions inside the machine working area.